Now in the gallery
Olga Grechukha Art Gallery
The world of dolls is a world of mysteries and surprises. Doll is the first among the toys. It has been known since ancient times, remaining forever young. Its history can be traced from the time of the Egyptian pyramids construction to the present day. Time does not affect it, it still finds its way to hearts of children and adults.
The art gallery was created by Olga Grechukha in 2019. This is the first doll gallery in Ukraine and its main task is to acquaint visitors with this kind of applied art, like a designer doll. In the modern world the designer doll is a special direction. It is a very laborious process that requires certain knowledge and skills. There are many special materials, techniques and methods which are used for making designer dolls.
Artists-dollmakers work in a huge number of genres (character doll, fantasy doll, realistic doll, articulated doll, miniature, etc, d), techniques (hot and cold plastic, porcelain, textile dolls and wooden dolls) and assignments (collectable, interior, etc.) dolls. Ukrainian craftsmen create designer dolls at a very high level and, therefore, such an art space that unites their works together is just necessary.